Sho Space

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Brittany's Sayings

Brittany has said some of the funniest stuff lately, and I thought I'd write some of it down while I remembered it.

After a discussion about dating and marriage:
Brittany: "Mom, if Mr. Anthony hadn't growed up so fast, I would have married him."
Mom: "Why?"
Brittany: "Because I like him!"

While watching a sad portion of a movie:
Brittany: "I'm not sad, Mom. My eyes are just pretendin' they're crying."
(Brittany always cries during a sad part of a movie. We won't be watching Where the Red Fern Grows with her.)

We went to a birthday party last night while Spencer went on church visitation.
When asked where her dad was:
"He went on vegetation."

This is one I won't ever forget. Brittany was about three and while I was helping her get dressed she sneezed and passed gas at the same time. She started laughing and said, "I blessed ya, and I blessed ya in my pants!" Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

These are the moments we mothers WANT to remember. So sweet!

Anonymous said...

funny...especially the no crying story. that's right, no mushy emotion. that girl's going to be a ceo one of these days! (or a middle school teacher :)


Shoshannah said...

That girl couldn't hold back tears if she wanted to! She is an emotional yo-yo. She can make herself cry or laugh whenever she wants. Maybe acting would be a good career for her.
Have your students ever made you cry? My first class did one time. They straightened up for a couple of days after that, but they just liked having fun too much to care about their grades.

Anonymous said...

lol--did i ever cry??? That girl (and her mother--another teacher) (first year at PCA) made me cry all the time--but never in front of them. Man, that girl killed me. What a twerp. She even tried telling Mr. Collins that I hit her after class once. What a joke. The deans couldn't wait to nab her for lying. And then of course the stress. Yeah, I was a wimp my first year.