Sho Space

Thursday, February 08, 2007

I have never had the desire to go to Las Vegas. A place that has the reputation as "Sin City" just has no appeal for me. There is a good church out there though that is having really good success talking to people about the Lord. I heard that knocking on doors works really well in that area. I wonder if they ever knock on the doors of these Las Vegas Luxury Condos. Around here every door that you knock on has a "Christian" behind it. It must be neat to be able to witness to people who know that they really do need the Lord.


Anonymous said...

Amazing how you just assume that every luxury condo owner in Las Vegas is a Christian. Some are Budhist, others are Muslim and some are of other faiths. You are just as bad as the ones you cast the first stone against others in the assumption that the world is all Christian. You need to get your passport, get out of your narrow shell and see the world. Any many I know who live in luxury condos in Las Vegas appreciate the Lord but not right wing Republican narrow minded Christians.

Shoshannah said...

Sorry, but I am assuming that most people who live anywhere do NOT claim to be Christians. I think you may need to reread this post.

Shoshannah said...

BTW what makes you assume I'm a republican. I don't believe I have ever mentioned my political sentiments on this blog. What was that you said about being as bad as the the person you cast the first stone against????????

Revka said...

Wow! You sure struck a nerve, and I sure can't tell why on earth! What a crazy response. "Anonymous" either didn't actually read everything you wrote or didn't comprehend what he/she read. Typical.