Sho Space

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Reason to get a new iron

The other day, I was ironing and needed more water in the iron for steam. There was a cup that Spencer had left on the fireplace by the iron that had water in it, so I dumped it in the iron. The next thing I know, there's a strange, sweet smell coming from the iron. I thought it had something to do with the new taffeta dress I was ironing for Sierra. The next morning, I found out what the real problem was when Spencer came into our room a little on the irritated side. He was trying to touch up his suit jacket for church that morning when this brown, sticky stuff started oozing out of the steam holes in the iron onto his jacket. I guess that cup of water on the fireplace had more than water in it. Come to find out, it was one of Spencer's sweet tea glasses with melted ice water. Even though the tea was gone, there was still enough sugar to burn in my iron.


Maggie said...

Maybe you can get Spencr a new iron for Christmas.....

Shoshannah said...

Great idea