Sho Space

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Baby doll by Fisher Price

We bought this baby doll for Addison for Christmas because she fell in love with it. Now we're going to have to take it back. Can you hear it saying, "Islam is the light"?


Anonymous said...

i was telling darin about this and we both agreed that whether this doll is saying that or not (which is sure sounds like she is to me), it's probably something people should discard anyway just to not take any chances. Some people would say that's paranoid, but caring about what other people think usually gets us into more trouble! Does me anyway. I was thinking something kinda funny, tho. When Josiah was born, Mrs. Duffield gave him a Scripture Bear.....a cute little teddy bear that recites different Bible verses when you press his belly, paw, ears, etc. I could bring him over there and he and this little doll could duke it out. He could teach her a few things!!! :).......L

Shoshannah said...

I did mean to write that even if the doll is not saying that "Islam is the light," it is saying that SOMETHING is the light, and only Jesus is the light.
Bring your doll over for a visit. LOL

Anonymous said...

hey Brittany here we were listning to it on Wednesday night service and were amazed tyhat they would put such a thing in a doll for little kids. After a while of 'playing' with it I said, "Y'all realize we're playing with an evil doll, don't you?"
anyway.. cu l8r