Sho Space

Monday, January 02, 2012

Our New Year

They say how you start the new year is how you will spend the year.  I surely hope not!  We went to bed early New Year's Eve and couldn't go to sleep....not good.  We woke up running late for church the New Year's Day...not good.  Our son put on a pair of pants two sizes too small on him, and one of our daughters could not find shoes that fit her...not good.
We finally made it to church about five minutes before it was supposed to start....not bad unless you are the pianist and song leader.  We stepped in the church building only to realize that our son's pants that he had changed into were one size too small...not as bad as the first pair.  They had looked better in incandescent lighting than they did in fluorescent lighting. I got up to the piano and was playing away before the official start of services when our two youngest daughters came up to me.  The very youngest had tears right under her eyes, and the next to youngest informed me that we had locked them in the vehicle....not good.   Evidently my husband, oldest two children, and I had jumped out of our vehicle and hastily headed for the church building.  My husband locked the doors with the remote without ever looking back.  The two younger girls said that they unlocked the doors, and the alarm went off, but they locked the door back after they got out.  Poor babies.  Good thing our church is small, and the parking lot is too.

On the bright side, we all stayed up late that night, having a great time watching Roy Rogers movies.


Jordana said...

Oh, my goodness! I have tears in my eyes from laughing so hard :-) Poor girls... Poor Mom and Dad, too! Hope it gets better (oops, forgot you might be back to school today! That's never easy!)

Shoshannah said...

No way are we doing school. We stayed up with the kids until 4 this morning. We actually started back to school this past Thursday.

Unknown said...

What an experience! I hope for y'alls sake that is not how the rest of the year is, lol