Sho Space

Tuesday, March 13, 2007


While I was teaching Zach and Brittany in the den, Johnny and Sierra were playing in the living room as usual. I noticed that they seemed to be having a wonderful time. I thought, "Oh well, there's nothing in there that they can really mess up. That was until I walked in there and saw that Sierra had taken a box of cereal off the counter and dumped all of it on the floor. She and Johnny were both joyfully eating from the pile.........until I walked in. I did have the presence of mind to take a picture although I was so mad I didn't really want to. However, the colors in the picture are off because Brittany had changed the settings on my camera without my knowledge.

Later, I went to take a shower and when I got out, they had both taken chalupa shells and crumbled them up all over the living room again. I was ready to spit fire. That night Sierra got into the unused dog food and was chasing Zach and Brittany with it. At least the mess was on the drive way this time.


Anonymous said...

HOW FUNNY!! Thanks for the laugh! My life seems quite easy all of a sudden ;-).

I'm in a Charlotte hotel tonight. Will be leaving for p-cola in the morning. Hope to drive by your way one of these days--maybe just to have some cereal with your kids. Looks like you have plenty!


Shoshannah said...

You are 4 hours too far away. Maybe you should stop and see Kelly Aus........ She's at BJU getting a degree in engineering. Etta told me that Kelly decided to go get another degree that will get her more money since she doesn't see a man in her future.
BTW we DID have plenty of cereal until the kids wasted it all.