Sho Space

Friday, March 09, 2007

Spencer and some guys at church like to go fishing for a special kind of fish called rock fish. There’s another name for them too, but I can’t remember what it is. They have had some funny adventures out on the choppy seas. They charter a boat and take turns strapping themselves in a chair while fishing. The first year they went was the most eventful. A wave came over the boat and soaked Spencer. He did not have a change of clothes and it was the end of December, so he was very cold. Another guy got knocked off balance by a wave and tore his pants from front to back. A third guy got extremely sea sick and stayed wrapped around a trash can in the cabin of the boat. I guess the trip was worth it to them, they all caught the limit of two fish apiece. That may not sound like much, but the fish were about thirty pounds each. Personally, a yacht charter would be fun to me, but I would probably be like that last guy and stay wrapped around a trash can.

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