Sho Space

Thursday, May 28, 2009

For family fun, we went to a Tob's baseball game. Zach was asked to race against the mascot "Slugger." If he won, he would win a free t-shirt. Let's just say that there was a little boy proudly wearing a t-shirt saying something about winning a race.

Sorry the video is a bit unfocused. My camera was trying to focus on the safety netting rather than the event taking place. Also, the ladies yelling, we some ladies next to us that the kids had befriended....just making that clear. :)

Monday, May 25, 2009

Family Fun a Couple of Weeks Ago

We had a bonfire and roasted marshmallows and hotdogs. The kids thought it was awesome.
Sierra's prayer last night: "Dear Lord, Thank you for me." Hmmmm

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Rag Curls

When we were little girls, our mother would curl our hair in rag strips. It was much easier to sleep on than rollers. I thought that I would do that with Brittany's hair. People then started asking me how I did it, so here's a demonstration video.

She wasn't really happy about having her picture taken like this.

Monday, May 11, 2009

We live in a neighborhood just outside the city limits. Sometimes we have unique experiences in our neighborhood such as foxes and deer in our yard, or the privilege to hear policemen practice at their shooting range at 2:00 in the morning. One particular uniqueness about our neighborhood is this farm pasture smell that sometimes permeates the air.

We finally received an explanation from a sweet potato plant nearby when we received this bag underneath our mailbox earlier in April shortly after Easter.
"Please enjoy an Easter holiday meal on us.
We appreciate your patience while we expand our plant and perfect our odor reduction system"
Well, thank you, people. We hope the "odor reduction system" works well. We haven't tried the "Easter meal" yet.