I may be the only parent out there whose children get on the internet without my knowing it, but somehow I think I'm not. Well, just this past Sunday I was thinking about how we really need to get an internet filter to keep the kids from getting on to sites that wouldn't be good for them. I'm cheap and was thinking that I really didn't want to spend the extra money for a filtering system, but that it really probably would be a good idea to when, lo and behold, I came across a blog called
Spoiled but not Rotten that happened to mention that Internet Nanny was giving away free filtering software. Yep, I took them up on that offer. It was a little tricky (it looked like at first it was just a 14 day free trial) for me to figure out, but I did get the stuff downloaded on my computer for a year for free. I'm excited.
The link above for Spoiled but not Rotten will take you to her post about the free filtering software.