Sho Space

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

This year has started out a little bit on the rough side. Nine deaths have occured in the last month with the most recent two being the hardest on our family. One was a neighbor that couldn't figure out why she kept getting the flu only to find out that she had cancer that had already spread through her whole body. My kids loved her very much, and she made them all some stuffed dolls as a last Christmas present.

The other death was the one of my grandmother. She lived to the age of 91 and a half. She was always a lot of fun to be around. She could tell the funniest stories, and loved to laugh. She would come down to our house in Texas once a year, and all five of us kids would be so excited that we couldn't sleep the night before her plane came. It was such a big event, my mother would spring clean the house for her arrival. The only problem was that she was from Minnesota and it was way too hot for her in South Texas. Sometimes she would just sit in a chair and drip sweat and say, "This is a two bath day." We would go to special places when Grandma came down. One time we went to Monterrey, Mexico. That trip would always live in her memory because we stopped at a pottery stand and a German Shepherd dog came out and was barking at us. It scared me half to death. I backed up to my grandma and started backing her up toward the pottery. She later said that she thought we were going to have to buy the whole pottery place because we were about to knock it all over.

I could go on and on with stories from Grandma. But I'm thankful the Lord gave me such a good one because she's the only grandparent that I really remember. She will be greatly missed.
Thanx, Revk, for letting me borrow the pic. All the ones I have are on our old computer.

1 comment:

D.J. Cimino said...

I am so sorry about your grandmother.