Sho Space

Saturday, May 17, 2008

The American Indian

My grandma was a champion for the American Indian. She always said that they were the most unfairly treated people in America. The other day, I really wished she were still around to have a deep conversation with her great grandson on this issue.
We just went over how the first Thanksgiving came about and how the Indians came to celebrate with the Pilgrims. That night, Zach was looking at his very favorite book on Indian history. It depicts some of the wars in American Indian history. After looking at the book, he came out to me and said, "Mom, did the fightings with the Indians happen first, or did the Thanksgiving happen first?" The next question was, "If we started off friends with them, then why did they start fighting us?" I told him, how we started taking their land and not keeping our promises with them, thus making them dislike us.
His reply was, "Well, that wasn't right! If we wouldn't have done that, they would have been nice to us."
I can only imagine my grandma's reply.

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