Sho Space

Saturday, March 07, 2009

Half Way to Nowhere

Yesterday my husband decided that today would be a good day to take the kids on a trip down to Wilmington to see the battleship. Around 9:30 we were on our way, and you couldn't have asked for more beautimous weather. Our children were quite excited and traveled the two hours quite well. Before we got on the ship, we ate a Burger King lunch complete with Kids Meals (a treat for them.) The kids were quite impressed with the ship, and the deeper inside we got the more excited the baby got. They had a great time, and the only mishap was that Addison messed her diaper when there were no bathrooms around.

Trying out the bunks. I would have felt clausterphobic.

Mixing up the baby.

For some reason Addison would not look at the camera.

Our trip on the way back home however, began with my husband's super sensitive nose smelling something amiss. "Does Addison have a stinky diaper?" was his question. My reply: "She shouldn't. I just changed her." Only, I turn around to see that those Huggies weren't hugging too well. There was this mustard colored stuff coming out the side. I got my things together to change her, thinking that Spencer wass going to pull off to the side of the highway, but he just kept driving. The next time I turned around there was a bigger blob of mustard colored stuff coming out the side of Addison's leg and it was still expanding. My husband decided to stop.

After we got that little problem taken care of, Spencer started worrying about the possibilities of a gas station being nearby. For anyone that knows him very well, this is not an uncommon situation. He doesn't worry because he might run out of gas in the next 50 miles, it's more like the next 50 feet. I told him that I did not remember seeing a gas station on that stretch of road, and thankfully, I did not know how low that needle was. I was already praying as it was. We did spot a gas station that was so out of date that there were still individual pumps for each type of gasoline and when Spencer paid for the gas with his debit card he had to wait for the woman inside to get off the phone so they could use the dial up connection to put his card number through. FINALLY, we were headed on our way home. After 30 minutes we realized that we had once again followed our usual tradition of taking the scenic way home. We didn't recognize the road...nor the highway signs....nor anything else for that matter. We were once again in middle of nowhere. I looked at Spencer and said, "I don't have a clue where we are. He said, "I know. We're half way to nowhere. That sounds like a country song doesn't it?" I had to agree with him.
We decided to take the highways that were marked North and pray we didn't end up too far off our target. We finally saw the name of a familiar town nearby and were happily speeding our way home (hoping we were really going the right way), when a car in front of us pulled off to the side of the road. As we passed him by, we noticed that there were lights on top of that car. They promptly began to flash their luminous blue color and followed us down the road. To make a long story short, the Highway patrol man told us how to get home, but in April,Spencer has to figure out how to get back to where we were lost......if you get my drift.
In spite of the way it ended, we had quite a bit of fun, and it definitely was a day we won't forget anytime soon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

totally entertaining, very well written or maybe I could just relate to a lot of it.