Sho Space

Thursday, March 31, 2011

MCP Actions

Photography is something that I have always been interested in. I guess that's because my dad took a lot of interesting pictures and turned them into slides that we would sometimes watch as a family. About a year or two ago, I was given a camera that would allow me to expand my knowledge and interest in photography. I really did not know that there was so much to learn. One day, one of my sisters and I were talking about my new hobby and she suggested a good site for me to look at. She even sent me the link on Facebook. The only problem was that I got busy and forgot to look at the link.
About a month or two ago, a college friend told me about some sites giving away cute templates for Valentine's. I had never heard of the sites, and didn't know their web addresses. I Googled their names hoping for some sort of result so I wouldn't have to look stupid and ask my friend exactly what she was talking about. Yea for Google and success!! One of the sites was MCP Actions...the same site my sister had told me about but I had not looked at. This time though I was hooked. I love looking at what their different actions can do for photos. I love reading all the different helpful articles on the blog (especially this one on photographing at midday). The video tutorials have been a big help with my Photoshop non experience, and taking a picture a week according to a theme has definitely helped stretch my photographic thinking.

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