Sho Space

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Silly Answer to Prayer

Yesterday was soccer Saturday. During our oldest daughter's game, I had received a phone call on the cell phone and stepped away from the crowd to talk. While I was talking on the phone, our six year old daughter took my camera (with permission) and took MANY pictures of the game. During one portion of the game our oldest daughter got tripped and flipped in the air. I wished that I had had my camera and had been able to capture the moment. Much to my delight, as I was going through the pictures that my six year old took, I came across one she captured of my older daughter as she was in the air when she got tripped. I went ahead and deleted all the unneeded pictures off my SD card. As I was in the process of deleting pictures, I somehow deleted the one picture that I was so excited about. I was sick. I prayed, "Lord, is there some way you can get that picture back for me?" Then I thought, there's no way that you can recover a deleted picture on a SD card; almost at the same instant I felt regret that I couldn't trust the Lord to do a "little" impossible thing but then thought I was just thinking silly and went on to practice piano for a church offertory the next morning. As I was practicing, the thought popped into my head, "Why don't I look up on the internet and see if I can some how recover a deleted picture?" I told my husband what I was going to do. Since he's more computer savy than I am, he did all the work for me, and I'm happy to report that I have my picture back after he got the free download from this website. Thank you, Lord, for answering my prayer in spite of my unbelief.

Here's the picture

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