Sho Space

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Taking a Break

Give me a few days and I will have more to write. My sister has a friend staying at our house, and we are busy. Just to entertain you, I will tell this little story. In preparation for this friend staying at our house, I was thoroughly cleaning the bathroom. I got up on our puny counter, and evidently it is not fastened to the wall because it tried to throw me off. Does that really surprise any of my college friends? NO!!! I didn't think it did. I won the battle though. How do I know??? The p-trap of the pipe under the sink broke, and started dripping water everywhere. Of course Spencer had a little job to do when he got home. After many harsh words to the sink, a couple of trips to Lowe's, and a few exclamations of how much Spencer hates this house, he finished up right before my sister's friend got here. There was just once glitch though. The faucet to the sink no longer works, but the pipe drains great! I guess that means more work for Spencer later.

1 comment:

Revka said...

Poor Spencer - it never ends :) Enjoy your guest - ha, ha, ha! At least the end is in sight, right?