Sho Space

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Now Isn't That Interesting.

I normally don't express my political views on here, but I just find this too interesting to pass up. When George Bush had the tax rebates sent out, people and the news media were saying that it wouldn't help, and that people would just use it to pay off bills. Now that the package seems to be working, little Miss Nancy wants to pass another tax rebate bill. hmmmmmm.

As a side note. If people pay off bills, doesn't that help them have more money to spend anyway??? That's kind of like the no drilling for oil argument. People say that it will take 10-20 years to even get to the point where we can refine oil. You know, they were making that argument 10-20 years ago. Just think, if we would have gone ahead and drilled back then, they wouldn't still be making the argument today, and we wouldn't be in quite such a bad fix with gas now. It seems like people want a microwave fix instead of a good old oven baked one.

1 comment:

D.J. Cimino said...


I am against the rebate checks, period.
Now with that said, I didn't send mine back or not use mine ;-) I know, it's hypocritical, and if I were rich I might of actually sent it back (!) but where did all this money that was sent to us come from? The same place the government always gets its money... from us! The reality is that we'll be paying for those rebate checks for years. sigh.

The government is a mess and there are very few politicians that seem to care. I no longer call myself a "republican". IMHO, they have morphed into 2 of the 3 things they always said they were for. They, for the most part, seem to be against abortion, but they now seem to love bog government and they don't practice fiscal conservatism at all. I am now one of those crazy independents that tilt elections one way or the other by voting for either one of the 2 party candidates, or voting independently which always hurts one of the 2 parties. I love it.