Sho Space

Monday, April 13, 2009


I've been thinking about this for a while, and some of you have been complaining that I don't put things up here often enough. Therefore, I am going to try to copy my status changes that I put on Facebook onto here. It should at least keep you with a new sentence to read every day.
Here is my status from yesterday along with a little updated information:

Mourning the loss of Duane Duran this morning, but what a day for him to get to see Jesus.
His viewing will be at Shingleton Funeral Home Tuesday night from 7-9, and the funeral will be at Trinity Baptist Church at 11:00 on Wednesday morning followed by his burial in New Bern.

We will greatly miss him.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

In a way we lost one and we gained one when Alexis's mom got saved that morning, too!