Sho Space

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

What A Little Liar!

Sierra did not want to finish her supper last night, but she wanted to eat grapes and cookies. I would not let her get down until her food was gone. She finally called me over there to say that she had eaten her food. I looked on the floor and on the bar to see if there was any food thrown around (usually her way of getting rid of food), and there wasn't. I was so proud of her, and told her so. She was looking at me saying UH HMMMMMMMMMM (her way of agreeing that she has done something well.) Then.........I looked in a plastic cup, and her food was buried in a lake of water. I resurrected the food, put it on her plate, resalted it, and made her eat it. She was not happy with me. Of course, I wasn't really happy with her either. Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

so you guys eat dinner at bars?

another reason why your kids need a evidence!

Shoshannah said...

I've been letting the kids eat at the BREAKFAST bar when Spencer's not home. It saves me from cleaning the whole table top off as well as cleaning under the table. We still don't need a dog. Thank you very much.

Anonymous said...

i know you don't take the kids when you go to bars! jk! :)

ok, seriously, i did look twice when i read that but then i thought it'd be a good joke. hope revka doesn't think you really go to bars ;).

Revka said...

Shhhh!!! You're going to give away our secret! You know when our house cleaning is done, Sho and I sneak out and go bar-hopping together to pick up the cute guys. (um, not seriously - just in case someone couldn't tell I'm joking.)

Anonymous said...

12.5 kids would probably drive me to bar-hopping too! especially that .5 kid--how did that one happen??

Revka said...

Hey, you just divide the 25 kids evenly between the two of us, and that's the result - We each have 12 whole kids and another 1/2 a kid. LOL I wonder if half a kid is any easier to deal with than a whole kid? There are some days I might be tempted to find out!

Anonymous said...

(i got the math--but how ugly would a .5 kid be? i need to go to the bar now...the dinner bar, of course :)