Sho Space

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

A House No Longer Divided

When I moved up here, one of the first questions I would get was, "Who do you pull for?"

HUH???? Now I understand. There are quite a few major colleges around here and they are quite close together, so you HAVE to pick one that you "pull" for. My first answer was, I don't really care who wins what. Then, I remembered back to my high school days when we were on a Junior/Senior trip in 1992 and we were watching the college basketball finals. The two teams playing were Duke and Kentucky. I had a friend named Krista who was from Kentucky and who was desperately wanting her home state team to win. I therefore began to hope that Duke would win, and they did. After I moved up here and HAD to pick a team, I figured I might as well stick with Duke. When I met Spencer, I eventually got asked the inevitable question, and my answer was Duke. "Oh no! You can't like them!" was his answer. He is a die hard UNC Tarheels fan. I guess I've slowly moved over to his side of the fence because I was actually happy that UNC won against Duke last week. Of course our children have already been brainwashed to believe that the Tarheels are the best.

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