Sho Space

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

A Million Dollars

My sister, Revka, tagged me with this a long time ago, and I am just now getting around to it. The question is what would I do with a million dollars.
Since we're already fantasizing, we'll pretend there are no taxes involved. :) After tithe and offering, of course, I would finish fixing up our house, pay it off, and sell it. I would then build a new house. Spencer's dream has always been to have a place to keep missionaries that come through, so we would probably also build a place out back for them. Another one of my husband's dreams has been to buy some new vehicles for a ministry out of our church that helps missionaries while they are on deputation and furlough. Oh, we would also pay off our own vehicle. :) So, that's already 600,000! Whew! Investing some money would be a great idea too wouldn't it. Two last things that would be nice to do with the money would be to build my mom a house and our church a new fellowship hall.

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