Sho Space

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

What's in a Word

When I moved up here, I had to learn a whole new vocabulary. Some things took me a while to catch on to. I'm not the only one who has had to make some adjustments. Our church used to be surrounded by fields. One day a man originally from New York asked Spencer's dad what was planted in one of the fields. Spencer's dad said in true southern vernacular, "Them? Them there's sweet 'taters." Every time we would start talking about southern speech, that man would bring up what Spencer's dad said.

Here are some common words and their translations.
Boot: trunk of the car
Mash: Push (ex: mash the peddle)
ill: in a bad mood (He's really ill today.)
hain't: ain't or haven't (I hain't got none)
snaps: green beans ('cuz you snap them in pieces after you pick them)
peach plum: apricot (that took me six years to figure out)
on it: a phrase you thow in a sentence anywhere you feel like (ex: I was walking yesterday, on it, and I saw the funniest thing, on it. There was this fox, on it, and he was carrying a sock in his mouth, on it.)
creamed potatoes: mashed potatoes
pocket book: purse
string beans: another word for green beans
solja (soldier) beans: soy beans

Some of Granny's specialties:

Zink: sink

Mackyroni: Macaroni

dyneemite: dynamite

piller: pillow

earbobs: earrings

Spencer, Sho, Sierra, Grandaddy, Granny, Cameron, Papa, Brittany, and Zach

(Mema was the photographer)

1 comment:

D.J. Cimino said...

great post! I know what you mean...

Well, I am sure glad you-uns is blogging!