Sho Space

Saturday, July 29, 2006

Family Fun

For family fun this week, we played Uno Stacko and Don't Spill the Beans. Uno Stacko is the same as Jenga but with a Uno twist.


Shoshannah said...

You know, I almost explained it on my post and decided not to for the sake of time. The blocks are different colors, and the ends have numbers on them as well as draw 2, skip, reverse, and wild. When you draw a block out, the next person has to draw a block out of the same color or number. If you pull out a draw two, the next person has to pull out two blocks instead of one. Am I being clear? I almost scanned a picture of the box for this post, but I didn't get around to it.

Anonymous said...

That sounds like a lot of fun! I bet the kids loved it.

Anonymous said...

That sounds like a neat game! Where did you get it from? We should have an adult playtime and all play it!

Shoshannah said...

We got it as a wedding present-believe it or not. Don't know where it came from.