Sho Space

Friday, October 27, 2006

Family Fun?

As we were sitting down to supper last night, we got a phone call that Spencer's brother had just shot a deer. Zach and Brittany wanted to go and see it right away, but we ate first anyway. When we got done, we went to see the deer and found that Cameron had shot another one. They had one deer skinned and the other one was lying on the truck. I thought Zach and Brittany would be upset seeing a dead deer, but they went up to it and patted it, and Zach kept moving the legs back and forth. Brittany got bored after a while, but Zach stayed to see all the meat cut off.
After all the excitement was over, we went home and had real family fun. We found that the kids just really want us to play with them. Every time we ask them what they want to do, they say they want to play games. It took me a while to get the point. Personally, I would rather get out of the house, but we finally figured out that the kids just want time from us. Hey, that's nice and cheap. We may end up investing in a few more games. Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

Was that Like... Totally Gross? (Said in a very blonde Cal girl accent!)

Anonymous said...

Love the pic, BTW

Shoshannah said...

It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.

Anonymous said...

my students bring me the deer hearts, liver, kidneys, lungs and spleen from their hunting trips so i can display them in my classroom and use them for lessons. this year, i have an order in with one of my 7th graders for deer eyes when she goes hunting. (then there's the pathologist who brings me human organs--but i'll bring that up some other time...for revka's sake :)

Shoshannah said...

Only someone who really loves science would want something like that. Gross! I would hate to cut the eyes out!

Anonymous said...

you're right. when i see the kids come in and proudly hand me a bag of frozen organs, its like Christmas...i'm happy to get the organs but to see how excited the kids are to show off their "trophies" is half the fun.

Anonymous said...

Hey! I was being funny and sarcastic! I wasn't REALLY grossed out :) My DH always says I'm the only one who could possibly "get" my sense humor; I guess he's right. That's why I shouldn't try to be funny. *sigh*

Anonymous said...

lol--revka, i can't expect everyone to think this stuff is cool. now that i know you like it...last week, the pathologist i told you about drew several tubes of her blood and did a presenation for my 7th graders. it was great! some of the tubes had anti-coagulant in them; others she centrifuged. after my kids left, she and i made smears for the microscope. it was so interesting--the blood was clotting right there on the slide. rbc's lining up like little coins. makes me want to go to grad school so badly!

(hmmm, wonder if sho will approve this one...the content is a bit thematic :).

Anonymous said...

lol--revka, i can't expect everyone to think this stuff is cool. now that i know you like it...last week, the pathologist i told you about drew several tubes of her blood and did a presenation for my 7th graders. it was great! some of the tubes had anti-coagulant in them; others she centrifuged. after my kids left, she and i made smears for the microscope. it was so interesting--the blood was clotting right there on the slide. rbc's lining up like little coins. makes me want to go to grad school so badly!

(hmmm, wonder if sho will approve this one...the content is a bit thematic :).

Shoshannah said...

Oh, Kathy, quit being so paranoid!!

I want to finish grad school. I was checking into it the other day, but I may have to put it off for a couple more years.

Anonymous said...

That actually does sound rather cool - seeing change in motion.

Anonymous said...

did you start grad school? when? i'm so proud of you. if the money were there, i'd start immediatly. someday, i'll work on it during the summers. hoping at least in 5 years.

Shoshannah said...

I did start grad school in '99. I hate starting something and not finishing it, but I got married the next spring, and then the kids came.......... That was a very long summer for Spencer and me. We spent a WHOLE LOT of money on calling cards. I called the grad office the other day, and they said that my credits had expired, but I could write a letter so they could reinstate the credits for two of my classes. The other class has since been replaced by something else. The school I worked at paid for a large amount of what I took.

Anonymous said...

you were at PCC? (how did I miss that? did i forget? sorry.)

Shoshannah said...

You forgot. You are sorry too. :)

Anonymous said...

you know, you may have had to become one of those grad students that weren't allowed to socialize with us lowly, scummy undergrads :-).

Shoshannah said...

I was only there one summer, and I lived at my parents' house. I would go to the beach every day after class and study. Maybe that's why you don't remember. I bet you would remember this though. A Christian school in Raleigh that you would have liked to work at until you found out what the church was like. I gave you and the principal info for each other.

Anonymous said...

you gave me that info? i totally can't remember. thank you, though! the teacher i stayed with, when i visited raleigh, could't difinitivly tell me what she liked about working at the school. that put some serious question in my mind. and then there was the pastor. besides the interview and contract (which i wasn't crazy about), i disagreed the way he interpreted a passage in church the next morning (raising of the widows son--something like the son sat up and went straight to church--i really don't remember). the part that really sealed it for me was the teacher who didn't really like it there.