Sho Space

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Thank you, Spencer

Last night, I was trying to get the table cleaned off and the supper dishes done. Spencer was folding laundry, and the kids were being pretty rowdy. I told Zach and Brittany to go help fold clothes, and Spencer said, "No, y'all go clean your rooms, and don't come out till they're done." To be honest, I did not have a saintly attitude (actually I was quite ticked) when he said that because their rooms were like war zones and I knew they could not clean them up by themselves. That meant I would have to stop the cleaning I was getting done to help them and then come back at who knows what time to finish what I had started. However, I did not say anything because I don't want them to get the idea that we are working against each other. So I stopped what I was doing and went to help Brittany. Three hours later. Brittany and Sierra's room was spotless, and their drawers and closets had been cleaned out even though I felt like I was stuck in a dungeon the whole time I was doing it. In the mean time, I found out Zach COULD clean his room by himself, and the rest of the house was magically clean. Spencer folded and put all the clean clothes away, cleaned the kitchen (dishes, stove, sink, floor, everything), and the den, and gave Zach a bath. I guess I should not have gotten so upset with him, huh? I'm glad I have such a great husband.

1 comment:

Shoshannah said...

He does help a lot. I feel really bad about it sometimes, but I'm thankful for all he does. I try to pay him back in the summers by helping with yardwork.